Magnet Virtual Summit 2020 CTF — Egg Hunt

3 min readJun 2, 2020


Quit ROMAN around and find the ONE egg

What is the color of the first egg?


Zpv ibwf gpvoe uif CMVF fhh! Uif ofyu qjfdf pg uif qvaamf jt: Mci vojs tcibr hvs UFSSB suu (gsqfsh kcfr = Cbwcb)… hvs bslh dwsqs ct hvs dinnzs wg : KK91WUvvraIuNa91paEurUvzWS9GEI5VFGPzN2qiZw4urUvzWU5zsVEuqUzzM2Iup2MurUvzWVP1sbdgNGPdqmOco2J5WR0upKTbpaJ0YHcYo29vWVJzp3SuNbJcqbquNavfWUJdrmPlN20iZw4uN2l4WVdzNUqurUXlM2guMacupLFzWVNcNVB4NGPjNxcYMaJ5rU9ho2SvWU5gpQPcqVz5rmPhNbcupLvjM2zlWU9arQ4iZwPhNbcupaT6swPzpRcuqav6qkcY

The “Roman” keyword suggests its likely using caesar cipher, and “One” suggests the shift size.

You have found the BLUE egg! The next piece of the puzzle is: Lbh unir sbhaq gur TERRA rtt (frperg jbeq = Bavba)… gur arkg cvrpr bs gur chmmyr vf : JJ91VTuuqzHtMz91ozDtqTuyVR9FDH5UEFOyM2phYv4tqTuyVT5yrUDtpTyyL2Hto2LtqTuyVUO1racfMFOcplNbn2I5VQ0toJSaozI0XGbXn29uVUIyo3RtMaIbpaptMzueVTIcqlOkM20hYv4tM2k4VUcyMTptqTWkL2ftLzbtoKEyVUMbMUA4MFOiMwbXLzI5qT9gn2RuVT5foPObpUy5qlOgMabtoKuiL2ykVT9zqP4hYvOgMabtozS6rvOyoQbtpzu6pjbX

Last one there is a ROTten egg

What is the special word?

A: Onion

The next clue is ROT, so we will decipher it with ROT13.

You have found the GREEN egg (secret word = Onion)… the next piece of the puzzle is : WW91IGhhdmUgZm91bmQgdGhlIE9SQU5HRSBlZ2cuLi4gdGhlIG5leHQgcGllY2Ugb2YgdGhlIHB1enpsZSBpcyAoa2V5ID0gbWFnbmV0KToKa29hIHVlb3EgZnVocncgZmhrIGVpdyBxZ20uLi4gZ2x4IHplZGcgdGJxY2sgYmogbXRlIHZoZHN4ZSBvZjoKYmV5dG9ta2EhIG5sbCBocHl5dyBtZnogbXhvY2lxIG9mdC4uLiBtZnogbmF6eiBlbDogcmh6cwoK

Probably the most baseline egg

How is the Orange Egg encoded?

A: base64

The hint for this one is baseline.

You have found the ORANGE egg… the next piece of the puzzle is (key = magnet):
koa ueoq fuhrw fhk eiw qgm… glx zedg tbqck bj mte vhdsxe of:
beytomka! nll hpyyw mfz mxociq oft… mfz nazz el: rhzs

Opposites Attract

What was the key used to unlock this cipher?

A: magnet

This part was using the vigenere cipher that requires a keyword to encode or decode the text.

you have found the red egg… the next piece of the puzzle is:
xlmtizgh! blf ulfmw gsv tlowvm vtt… gsv uozt rh: yvzm

Hey coach, I’m going to need a SUB

What is the final message of the completed egg hunt?

A: bean

Using the ciphertext alphabet: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba

This means you replace a with z, b with y, c with x etc…

congrats! you found the golden egg… the flag is: bean

That’s it for this fun and quick section:



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