Quit ROMAN around and find the ONE egg
What is the color of the first egg?
Zpv ibwf gpvoe uif CMVF fhh! Uif ofyu qjfdf pg uif qvaamf jt: Mci vojs tcibr hvs UFSSB suu (gsqfsh kcfr = Cbwcb)… hvs bslh dwsqs ct hvs dinnzs wg : KK91WUvvraIuNa91paEurUvzWS9GEI5VFGPzN2qiZw4urUvzWU5zsVEuqUzzM2Iup2MurUvzWVP1sbdgNGPdqmOco2J5WR0upKTbpaJ0YHcYo29vWVJzp3SuNbJcqbquNavfWUJdrmPlN20iZw4uN2l4WVdzNUqurUXlM2guMacupLFzWVNcNVB4NGPjNxcYMaJ5rU9ho2SvWU5gpQPcqVz5rmPhNbcupLvjM2zlWU9arQ4iZwPhNbcupaT6swPzpRcuqav6qkcY
The “Roman” keyword suggests its likely using caesar cipher, and “One” suggests the shift size.
You have found the BLUE egg! The next piece of the puzzle is: Lbh unir sbhaq gur TERRA rtt (frperg jbeq = Bavba)… gur arkg cvrpr bs gur chmmyr vf : JJ91VTuuqzHtMz91ozDtqTuyVR9FDH5UEFOyM2phYv4tqTuyVT5yrUDtpTyyL2Hto2LtqTuyVUO1racfMFOcplNbn2I5VQ0toJSaozI0XGbXn29uVUIyo3RtMaIbpaptMzueVTIcqlOkM20hYv4tM2k4VUcyMTptqTWkL2ftLzbtoKEyVUMbMUA4MFOiMwbXLzI5qT9gn2RuVT5foPObpUy5qlOgMabtoKuiL2ykVT9zqP4hYvOgMabtozS6rvOyoQbtpzu6pjbX
Last one there is a ROTten egg
What is the special word?
A: Onion
The next clue is ROT, so we will decipher it with ROT13.
You have found the GREEN egg (secret word = Onion)… the next piece of the puzzle is : WW91IGhhdmUgZm91bmQgdGhlIE9SQU5HRSBlZ2cuLi4gdGhlIG5leHQgcGllY2Ugb2YgdGhlIHB1enpsZSBpcyAoa2V5ID0gbWFnbmV0KToKa29hIHVlb3EgZnVocncgZmhrIGVpdyBxZ20uLi4gZ2x4IHplZGcgdGJxY2sgYmogbXRlIHZoZHN4ZSBvZjoKYmV5dG9ta2EhIG5sbCBocHl5dyBtZnogbXhvY2lxIG9mdC4uLiBtZnogbmF6eiBlbDogcmh6cwoK
Probably the most baseline egg
How is the Orange Egg encoded?
A: base64
The hint for this one is baseline.
You have found the ORANGE egg… the next piece of the puzzle is (key = magnet):
koa ueoq fuhrw fhk eiw qgm… glx zedg tbqck bj mte vhdsxe of:
beytomka! nll hpyyw mfz mxociq oft… mfz nazz el: rhzs
Opposites Attract
What was the key used to unlock this cipher?
A: magnet
This part was using the vigenere cipher that requires a keyword to encode or decode the text.
you have found the red egg… the next piece of the puzzle is:
xlmtizgh! blf ulfmw gsv tlowvm vtt… gsv uozt rh: yvzm
Hey coach, I’m going to need a SUB
What is the final message of the completed egg hunt?
A: bean
Using the ciphertext alphabet: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
This means you replace a with z, b with y, c with x etc…
congrats! you found the golden egg… the flag is: bean
That’s it for this fun and quick section: